抗低温PC沙伯基本EXL9330 阻燃性级 耐低温40度 抗紫外光
PC中文名:聚碳酸,系非晶形热固性橡胶制品。优势:1、具高韧性及弹性系数、高冲击性抗压强度、应用溫度***;2、相对高度透光性及随意染色性;3、H.D.T.高;4、耐疲惫性佳;5、耐老化佳;6、电气设备特点优;7、无气味无臭对身体没害卫生指标安全性;8、成型缩水率低、规格安定性优良。主要用途:1、电子材料:CD片、电源开关、家用电器机壳、数据信号筒、电力电容器、话机外壳、电話交换机、信号继电器及零件等; 2、车辆:保险杆、分电盘、钢化玻璃等; 3、工业生产零件:数码相机本身、机器机壳、安全头盔、潜水镜、安全性眼镜片等; 4、电子光学照明灯具:大中型灯盖、安全防护夹层玻璃、光学设备的上下目镜筒等; 5、***零件:计算机、视频录象机等; 6、工业设备:各种各样传动齿轮、蜗杆、蜗轮蜗杆、涡杆、滚动轴承、凸轮轴、地脚螺栓、杆杠、发动机曲轴、棘轮、工业设备外壳、堵盖及结构等; 7、医疗器械:医疗器材杯、筒、瓶、口腔器械、药物器皿和手术室器械,还可作为仿生眼、人工肺等人力内脏器官; 8、其他层面:工程建筑上作为空心筋双壁板、温房夹层玻璃等;纺织业作为纺织业纱管、织布机活塞销等;日用层面作为玻璃奶瓶、厨具、小玩具、实体模型、绝缘层连接器、电磁线圈架构、管座、绝缘套管、探照灯的充电电池壳、绝缘层包包、磁带、五颜六色录象录音带等。归类:***PC、导电性PC、加纤防火安全PC、抗紫外光耐侯PC、食品级不锈钢PC。
包裝:原装原包 25KG/包 规格型号: 合乎RoHS验证规范
PC 特性:
2Electronic Materials: polycarbonate is an excellent e (120 °c) class insulating layer material for the manufacture of insulating layer connectors, electromagnetic coil structures, tube bases, insulating bushings, enclosures and parts, rechargeable battery enclosures for searchlights, etc. . Also can be used to make high-precision specifications of parts, such as optical discs, computers, video recorders, telephone exchanges, signal relays and other communication equipment. Polycarbonate is also used as power capacitor, insulation package, tape, colorful video tape, etc. . . 3 Industrial Equipment: used for the production of various transmission gear, worm, worm, worm, worm, rolling bearing, camshaft, anchor bolt, lever, engine crankshaft, ratchet, etc. . Can also make some industrial equipment shell, cover and structural parts. 4. Even as bionic eyes, artificial lungs and other human organs. . 5. . Other layers: double wall panels as hollow reinforcement in engineering, laminated glass in greenhouse, etc. . In the textile industry as Textile Yarn Tube, Loom Piston Pin, etc. .